Tuesday, September 24, 2019

when you've had enough

you reach an age
where you get tired of people.
not all people, just

bad people.
losers, liars, lawyers.
abusers. toxic dark souls
who wander the earth,

those that are full of themselves.
with their own
bullshit and want to spread
it around
on everyone else.

it's an epidemic of narcissism.
a wave of greed,
a storm of bad behavior,
and phonies,
thieves. liars.

your empathy has weakened
for them. your patience is thin.
it's too much for
too long. their drama, their
permanent victim pleas.

you can only tolerate bad
behavior so long, before you
before you have to speak up
and tell them
to get out of your life,
that they have to leave.

it's too short. these days,
these hours,
to be around lost fools
like these.

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