Thursday, September 12, 2019

grow through it

if you live long enough,
a lot of crazy stuff is going to happen
to you.

you'll meet a lot wacked out people,
including your own family.

trouble comes with the territory
of living.

money, relationships, jobs.
neighbors. pets.

if you're breathing, you're in for
a long day, most of the time.

traffic. aging. disappointment.

mostly annoying, petty stuff, but big
stuff too, divorce and death
comes to mind.

but you keep going. you keep getting
up and plowing through the day.

you either grow through it, or stay
stuck in the mire and the swamp
of it all.

but if you do make it through, you
do find a way to put the pieces together
and find love and joy,
contentment in your life. sweet.

don't look back, and stay away from
the losers you've left behind.

forward. grow through it.

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