Tuesday, October 8, 2024

the contagious word salad

it seems
to be contagious now
as the candidate
goes on and on with each
new friendly
it's leaked into my own
i ask
my wife why she went
to Williams and Sonoma
and spent
a thousand dollars on
new pots and pans,
and silverware.
and a new coffee maker.
i was raised a middle
class girl,
she tells me.
but, i say.
no, please i'm talking here.
she puts her hand
into my face
and continues.
my mother had to work
to make
money, we didn't have
the government
to rely on like we do now.
we lived in a neighborhood
people loved
their lawns.
we didn't have everything
we wanted,
but we had joy.
excuse me, i tell her,
my question was why
did you
spend a thousand dollars
on things
we already have?
i just told you why, she responds.
we weren't poor,
but we weren't rich
we were a middle class
and by the way, have you
how long the grass is outside?

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