Friday, February 23, 2024

he suddenly woke up

my very leftist
and woke,
but lifelong friend, Brandon,
who is now a vegan,
marches religiously
with the women
on pro choice days
down at the mall.
he wears a pink
head band,
and the t-shirt with
Joan of Arc
on the front.
he throws copies of Tom Sawyer
into the bonfire
and helps push
over statues of Abe Lincoln.
he believes in twelve genders,
separate bathrooms
for all,
and swears
that crime is down,
the economy is
he's all for an open border
and lying
in the street to protest
big oil, or the Israeli war.
it's getting harder
and harder
to be friends with him,
and him
with me, as i cut into
another piece
of charred, but
medium rare meat.

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