Monday, December 18, 2023

the suggestion box

when i worked
in an office
i was always putting notes
into the suggestion box,
that was positioned
near the front desk.
French roast coffee, i wrote.
i'm sick
of this lame Folgers.
instead of a nine am
how about we have flexible
hours, say
ten to two. with a long
followed by an early happy hour.
can someone please
tell Betsy not to wear so
much perfume.
she's like a new age Irma La Duce.
i'd like a window with a view,
i' feel like a trapped
rat in a sewer
with this cubicle.
oh, and by the way, can
we turn down the fluorescent
lighting in here.
this flickering
is triggering my migraines.
and the heat,
please, why is it so cold
in here.
my feet have frostbite.
is there anyway we can
get a day bed in the break room
for an afternoon snooze.
i didn't last

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