Friday, December 31, 2021

the trader joe haul

feeling a tad glum
and blue
my nose runny as i sneeze
into a handful
of thanksgiving napkins
i head up to trader joe's
for some soup.
chicken soup, minus the noodles,
you know,
this whole carb thing.
but then i pick up some
flowers to brighten
up the house,
a bottle of champagne,
some shrimp
and oysters. all about the zinc.
a jar of coconut oil,
some candles
in case a storm blows through.
then go to the check out
once i figure out which lane
to steer my cart.
do i stand here, push the cart
there, or do i zig zag
over to that register
where the girl
in chuck taylors and a
Hawaiian shirt stands?
Jimmy, a kid with a straight
pin through both eyebrows
and a tattoo of a dolphin
on his arm,
waves me over.
far out, he says. party tonight
candles, oh yeah.
coconut oil. chicks dig that.
you da man. bringing in 
the new year with a bang?
shut up, i tell him, or i'll
sneeze on you.

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