Thursday, December 30, 2021

the new portrait

i should settle down
get married
to someone named muffy.
have a few kids.
a dog,
a cat,
a fenced in yard.
i could have new neighbors
who wave
to me and say
hello, how's
the wife, how's life,
i see you've
taken care of the weeds
in your yard.
i could have
norman rockwell come
over and paint
our porrtait.
this will be life
the way it's supposed to be.
we can send out
long holiday letters
telling all our friends
how wonderful
things are.
i can rewrite the whole story.
start over.
fresh and new.
but then again, on second
though, i'd never
have met

1 comment:

Di said...

"Muffy"? Okay, you have come undone. It is official.