Monday, December 27, 2021

just say no

i warm
up my new phrase

that i've vowed to use
throughout the year when
i'm asked to do things
i don't want to do.

i'm sorry but i can't make it.
it's my new mantra.

i've embraced the power of 

i've seen it used in the past,
by mostly

or grumpy men.
they've had enough of doing
all the things

their wives or children made
them do.
the opera, or hallmark movies,
string quartets.

museums and hikes up old rag,

pickle ball.

perusing lettuce at
the farmer's market.

a trip to the mall,
then holding her purse while
she tries on a dress.

a weekend in pittsburgh
because the grandparents
are getting old

and won't be around much longer.

fishing or bird watching.
getting up early to watch sunsets.

no, i don't want
to taste that Indian food
on the end of your fork,

or take a sip
of your cold beet soup

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