Saturday, June 12, 2021

good people

people like tell you that you're
headlights are
out, or off.
they beep, they pull up beside
you and mouth the words.
they roll down the window, they
try to explain with their hands.
making motions
like koko the monkey, hoping
to get you to understand.
sometimes you say oh, yeah,
right and give them a thumbs
up before turning the lights
on to brighten up the road ahead of you.
these are the same people that
tell you you have toilet paper
stuck to your shoes,
and you're dragging it around
in a restaurant.
or people that inform you that you
still have shaving cream
in your ear. they point and swirl
their fingers around pointing
at their own ears.
at first you think they are telling
you you're crazy, which is partially
true, but then you figure it out.
these are good people.
people like me and you. achooo.
god bless you.

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