Saturday, June 26, 2021

the protest movement

i'm a radical
she tells me. a left wing marcher.
i go to
i'm all about the environment
and the man
keeping us down.
do you know what plastic
do to sea turtles?
no, i tell her, do tell.
it's horrible, she says
and takes out her phone to show
me a turtle with
a plastic bag over it's head.
i have my own megaphone
and make my own signs.
my protest name
is tanya.
are you with us?
we're going downtown
to protest the treatment of chickens.
i lick my ice cream cone
as i stare at her 
wild eyes, her twitching
legs that look stubbly, sort
of like a chicken legs.
i'm thinking i should have
rocky road and not butter
brickle as i continue
licking my cone.
well, she says, are you in?
i can't date someone that isn't
part of the solution.
but it's going to be hot out
tomorrow i tell her,
nibbling on the edges of
my sugar cone.
are there any shady areas
we can throw a blanket
down and picnic,
shout from there?

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