Wednesday, April 14, 2021

mission statements

as i drive around
i see  that it's quite popular
now a days
to put a sign in your yard stating
your mission statement.
telling everyone that drives
by what your religion is,
or what kind of people you
like or don't like.
who and what matters to you.
what melts your moralistic
buttah, so to speak.
people like their signs,
not to mention the bumper
stickers and the window
stickers telling everyone
there's a baby on board,
or what school you went
to, what sport your kids play,
what their grades are.
we want people to know
that we just ran a 5 k.
or climbed a mountain,
or that we visited the beach.
honk if you love Jesus,
one says. beep if you're
going to hell in a handbasket
says another.
we want to encourage
people to save the whales,
the bay. the air.
support your local sheriff.
give to the march of dimes.
i don't have one in my
yard but it doesn't mean 
that i don't care.

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