Saturday, November 21, 2020

sorting through yesterdays

in the early morning
i clean out
some drawers, some boxes
in the attic
some stacked
high in the laundry room,
on the cellar floor.
things from the seventies
then eighties,
then nineties.
it's an archeology dig
of sorts.
memory lane
with a twisted road
of abrupt detours.
picture frames with
photos of loves lost
behind the glass.
and watches.
a card, a note, a napkin
with a lipstick stain.
i find a nylon stocking.
and a heel,
red valentine
things, tucked away
and safely
stored, but for what?
a tool belt
holding lipstick and perfume.
i take each item out.
it's a long long day,
a journey
backwards and before
long it's no
longer afternoon, and i
don't have the courage to
throw a single thing away.

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