Monday, November 23, 2020

the senior book club

the book club,
everyone over the age of
is reading the joy of sex.

the illustrated

with real photographs
of real people

not those stick figures
charcoal sketched

who neither bend or flex.
the discussion

is short and brief.
one woman says. oh,

i remember trying that once
with Edgar,

it was fun, but he hurt his
and was never the same
after that.

another man has to excuse

and go into the bathroom
the book with him.

the discussion goes dead
a while.

and someone says, let's have
a drink.
so the drinking begins,

martinis go around,

the lights go down.
someone puts on the some music
from their phone.

dancing ensues.

what's the next book we're
yells betty and joe,

from the coat room.

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