Friday, November 27, 2020

the palm reading

i ride by
the old gypsy house on
the way home.
i see Esmeralda on the porch
smoking a cigarette.
there's a u-haul truck out
i pull over and get out.
what's up? i ask her, you moving?
covid, she says. i haven't
given a palm reading
in three months.
damn virus is shutting me
do you need to know the
i haven't packed up my 
tarot  cards or crystal ball
maybe read your palm?
i'll give you the holdiay
here's a coupon.
sure, i tell her and go sit
beside her
on the porch with her
green eyed black cat.
she takes my hand
and sprays it with some rubbing
then stares deeply into the lines.
oh my she says.
what hell has been  going on
with you dude.
she puts out her cigarette and
blows the last puff of smoke
into the air.
yeah, yeah, i tell her.
but tell me the future
forget the past.
geez marie, you have so much
paint and what is that,
caulking, on your hands.
it's hard to get a clear reading.
but from what
i can see
it's pretty damn good.
the rockettes just flashed into
my mind
for some reason.
they're coming to town for
the holidays.
i see you with the rockettes
at the Hilton Hotel.
i give her a twenty
dollar bill.
and tell her good luck.
skipping down the steps.
wait wait, she says, there's
something else. there's more.
stay far away from the red
head. don't go near her.
okay, i yell from the car
as i pull way. got it.
stay away from the red head.

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