Wednesday, November 25, 2020

not really friends

he knows
a lot about a lot of things.

i tend to just
and not add much to the conversation

knowing that whatever
i say

will be refuted,
dismissed or ignored. so

i put him on speaker phone
and make a ham

if i say the name
winston churchill, off he goes

telling me
the history of england
during world war two.

if i say.
soy bean.

he'll tell me what a valuable
crop it
is, and how easily it grows

and sells, and all the products
than can be made
from it.

he never really says hello,
or asks
a single question about me,
my life.

my work. my son.
where did the last love go?

he just goes and on and on.
we've known
each other forever,

but not really.

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