Wednesday, November 25, 2020

the new room mate

i find a cricket in the house.

i've heard that it's good luck.
but i'm not sure
about that.

i have a conversation with the cricket
him what

in the world he's doing here
this time of the year.

are you lost?
how'd you get in here.

i can hardly hear him, though,
he's so small.

i ask him if he wants to go
back outside

into the woods, perhaps.
he shakes his head no.
at least i think it's his head.

he asks me in a high pitched

if have a box he can live in
until spring.
it's too cold out now.

maybe throw in some grass
and dirt.
a few branches.

that sort of thing.

i shrug.  i tell him i'm not big
on room mates. i've had some

with people living or visiting
my house for very long.

he puts his two little feet, or
hands, arms,
whatever they are out
and pleads with me.

okay, okay. i tell him. but keep
it down.
lights out at eleven and

no visitors. i don't want some
butterflies, or lady bugs coming

keeping me up all night.
and keep

your cricket noises down.
do you really have to rub
your feet like that all the time"

what is that. ADHD?
i'll leave the hall light on

case you need to use the bathroom.
and i prefer
if you're
hungry to not bring food

i had trouble with ants last year.

he tips his antennae and says. okay,
got it. thanks.

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