Thursday, May 7, 2020

we used to talk

we used to talk about books.

a new book
on the list of books to read.

we talked of authors,
poets on the mend,

dead, alive.
the written word was everything.

and music.
the long nights with the LPs.

the vinyl spinning one after
the other,
dropping down as we sat
on the couch,

drinking wine, drinking gin.

we used to talk about love,
food and travel.
movies we had or hadn't seen.

it was a different world then.
and easy.

and yes I know, there was war
going on and there
was a criminal in the white house,

like now.
but it just seems like simpler
times back then.

or maybe i'm just getting old,
catching up
to my parents.

going senile.

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