Saturday, May 9, 2020

i hate facebook

okay, I don't really hate it.

I wouldn't be on
it with a skeleton profile
and some lame
I took with my phone

if I actually hated it.

I don't expect it to be the mensa

I just don't like the dumbness.
the photos
of cakes
and pies,

look at me, everything screams.
i'm wonderful
and wise,

smart clever and must be liked.

it's so extreme and violent on many
sick and silly.

but good too, I guess, when you want
to see an old friend's face
who lives in Alaska.

I get caught up in it too, posting
ridiculous poems
and memes

what the hell is a meme anyway.
how do you pronounce it?

in so many ways it's a gossip column,
TMZ at our finger tips.
a free for all
of whatever the hell is on
your mind.

the party line, or slang books,
if anyone remembers them.

it's a cry for help for the lonely
and sad,
the despondent and desperate.

it's a true reflection though of
where we are as a country,
a society, a culture.

you only have to look as far
as the white house to understand
the world has gone and is going.

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