Monday, May 4, 2020

the mid life crisis

if it's a mid life crisis

than that means
i'll be close to a hundred
and twenty

when I finally give it

and float off into the sky.

it's not so much the aches
and pains,

the fatigue
of another day, the routine
of life,

mundane and repetitive,
it's none of that


and it's not that cliché
of wanting

a red sports car, with a young
buxom blonde,

a mindless cupcake

beside me. who cares about
any of that.

it's just the longing for

to come home at night and yell
up the stairs,
honey i'm home.

and she rushes down to wrap
her warm arms around
you, to kiss you

and say the words,

I missed you, i'm glad
that you're here.

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