Friday, January 10, 2020

sugar is the devil

I talk to my nutritionist,
no relation to hazel,
Shirley Booth, but she knows
her business
just the same.

you need to cut out all
sugars, she tells me.
all carbs,
no meat, no fish.
but sugar is the devil.

hmmm, I say. shaking my
sugar is the devil?
I thought joel osteen was
the devil.

well, yeah, she says, him
and his cupcake wife
are both demons in disguise,
but we're talking about
food right now,

not prosperity preachers
who really don't believe
the bible to begin with

and live an opulent life
style, pretending to be holy.

okay okay. I can cut out
sugar. it's going to be hard,
but i'll give it a shot.

what about a donut once in a while?
no sugar.

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