Saturday, January 18, 2020

two ticket stubs

I find two ticket stubs
in an old jacket. the jacket
doesn't fit anymore,
but I try it on just the same.
tight. I have too much muscle now
I say to myself,
and laugh.
I look at the date, the movie.
it takes a few minutes,
but it all comes back to me.
it was a bad movie, we almost
walked out.
ahhh, I remember her well.
we went to one movie together.
I didn't know it at the time
that it would be our last.
i'm not big on sentimentality,
but I put the tickets back
into the pocket and hang
the coat in the closet. I'm
tempted to look into the other
old coats hanging in there,
but I don't. No need going there.
I shut the door.

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