Friday, January 31, 2020

Diamonds In the Rough

I wonder if things get bad,
if the economy dips
and the bubble bursts once more
if I can get back all the jewelry
and engagement rings I've given
to women over the years.
what if i'm living in the woods
in a pup tent heating up a can
of chef boy r dee chili over
a barrel of burning sticks.
damn i'd like to have some of
those diamonds back and locked
away in a wall safe.
most were given in some
confused state of anxiety
and fear, not out of love,
or hope, or admiration, no,
most were given in the heat of
some infatuated moment
because the sex was so good.
so shouldn't I have them back?
seems only fair. it's not
like they're going to wear
them again, most of these women
already have boxes of rings
and jewelry from other men,
other boyfriends and lovers,
husbands that
they've swindled and charmed
the pants off.
it's only fair. I mean it's
like stealing. dag nab it.
I want my rings back. please.
don't you women have any self
respect, self esteem, dignity
or class? well, that's a dumb
question, one I probably
shouldn't ask.

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