Thursday, January 30, 2020

the relationship totem pole

you look for someone who
can put you
somewhat near the top of their totem
as you have done for them.

a relationship
where you're not an accessory
for dates,
or holidays,
or to be paraded out
on festive occasions.

you want more.
you want to be above the ex husband
the married
the priest, the parent.
the dog.
the therapist,
the nutritionist,
the treadmill or salmon
and avocados.

true love. equal love and compassion
for one another,
is what you want, not some
crazy half in half out,
convenient and lame relationship.

you're just barely a spot above
God on their pole
of affection. which says a lot.

you don't want to ninth,
or fourth
on the pole or even third.

second, at the very
least would be fine. you can
live with second.

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