Wednesday, October 16, 2019

the anniversary tree

she asks me for the truth,
if I've gone back
to the path,
to the tree
deep in the woods
where I discovered the true nature
of the
so called love of my life,
my devious
and deceitful bride
of a few months, marking

the callous and sick
of her with a married man.
leaving him
photos and cards,
valentines and birthday

anniversaries, with hearts
and sweet nothings
pinned to the bark
of their anniversary tree,
where he carved
a heart and nailed
a plaque
forever holding the dates
of their adulterous affair.

I tell her no. never again.
I washed my self clean
of the sickness of others.

they deserve the life they live.
i'm thankful to be free.

there's no reason to go back,
let them have their tree, all
seven of the trees they've
let them have their misery.

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