Wednesday, October 30, 2019

splendid isolation

I try not to join any clubs,
meet ups,
gatherings of those
with similar interests.
no group therapy, or dance classes,
or spin classes,
or running groups.
I don't want to sing in
a choir,
or go to a bible study,
or make pancakes
on sunday morning with
the men's group.
or attend a writing class
and have
things analyzed
and torn to shreds.
I actually try to stay away from
most of my family.
or the family of others who
get under my skin.
it's not a good trend, what i'm
doing here.
but at this age I truly
don't give a damn.
I've paid my dues doing all
the things I don't
want to do.
I just can't do small talk
anymore with a bunch
of fools.
spare me. and trust me, I know
it's not cool.

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