Wednesday, October 30, 2019

gourmet shopping spree

i take a small loan out

to go shopping at the big new grocery
store down the street,

where everything is fresh, organic

so much green to behold,
cabbages were hugged as they came up out of
the ground.

salmon were read to every night
before going to sleep,
and the chickens all
had names like binky and Susie,
jimmy and spike.

the clerks are perky and smart.
each aisle has a bench so that you can sit
and read the labels.
study the ingredients.

how much sugar, how much salt.

fresh fish, thank god, no one wants
old fish,

same goes for meat, or freshly baked

no, on second thought give me the stale
loaf, i kid the kid in his
starched green apron.

and yes, i did find everything i was looking for,
if i didn't, why
would i be in line?

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