Saturday, October 26, 2019

significant strides

you make significant
in becoming a better person,

but it only last for a day or
then you're back
being what you've been for most
of your life.

half good, half bad, a third

rinse and repeat, clichés

you promise yourself to not write
in the victim
to leave the harm that others have
done to you alone,

but it's easy and strangely fun
to scratch at old wounds,
pick the scabs, tear at them
and have
the old blood run.

the pendulum of your heart
swings back
and forth
from revenge to apathy,
wrestling with one another
for attention. trying
to steer your day.

in time though, you know
that indifference and
good cheer
will eventually win out,
that all of this
insanity will at last be

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possibly my favorite.... so far.