Wednesday, October 2, 2019

i start driving

I fill up the tank with gas
and start
driving, pointing the car east.

not fast, but slowly in the right lane.

I have no destination. no goal.
no place to be.

i'll just keep going until I
run into the ocean.

then i'll stop, get out of the car
and start swimming.

i'll swim as far as I can. stroke
after stroke.

not fast, but slowly so as not to drown.
i'll kick my legs, breathe side to side,
trying to avoid the big waves,
the sharks.

when I hit land, france perhaps,
i'll climb out of the ocean and get
something to eat and a glass of red wine.

i'll find a café in paris
and sit and write about this trip
with a black beret on.

i'll learn the language and find love.
find joy.
find happiness.
find peace.

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