Wednesday, October 9, 2019

i probably won't go

another high school reunion creeps

the emails begin.
the onslaught on face book.

i never liked high school.
i wasn't going to die for my school
my team.

i knew it was all temporary, like
the crib was, the sandbox.

i liked math. i like art.

but the rest of it was nothing.
running wild.
smoking dope.
drunk. fights.
just like the world to come,
but here you had
no way out until the bell rang.

you just kept your head down.

there are a few though, still alive
that loved it.
they gather like birds on a wire
every ten years
to remember it all.

to romance those three years.

who died, who moved, who got married
or divorced. who's in prison,
who used to be a man, but changed
sides. who got rich, who lost it all.

they'll have it at pj skiddos, or
some other dive
along the avenue,
with beer and chicken tenders.
it'll be over by ten because everyone
is old.

i probably wont go.

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