Thursday, February 27, 2025

winning the Maine state high school girls championship

my daughter's
basketball team in Maine,
will never lose
a game
this year.
they will win
the state championship
and go undefeated.
they've recruited
two boys, who
are now identifying
as girls
to be on their squad.
they wear
and moo moos,
that sort of thing.
perfume and lipstick.
one is seven foot tall
and the other is
six foot five
with muscles
and has a 47 inch vertical
the taller one wears
pigtail hair
and the other has a weekly
blow out
of his curly locks.
it takes them a little extra
time in the locker
for them to shave their
but once they're in the game,
watch out boy,
i mean girl.
the seven footer goes by the name
of Belle, instead
of Bill.
the other one calls herself
Jenny instead
of Jimmy.
it's going to be one heck
of a fun
season. the WNBA are
already scouting these two
up and coming
girl stars.

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