Wednesday, July 3, 2024

when Ernie reported a UFO

we were playing
in the street one summer night,
the sun went down,
when a green streak
of light flashed across the sky.
we yelled and screamed,
and looked at each other
with amazement. did you see
that? oh my God.
it's an invasion.
Ernie, was the first one in
my mother's house
calling the FBI
to report an alien spacecraft
in the sky.
they took his name
and number, and told him
that they'd be back in touch
soon. thank you for calling,
they told him.
we all went back out
to stare up into the now
full sky of stars,
waiting for another space
ship to arrive.
then our mothers called us
in to go to bed.
that summer Ernie and his
family moved.
never to be seen from again.

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