Sunday, July 21, 2024

going to DEFCON one

the government,
through secret surveillance,
two tin cans connected
by string,
the kremlin talking about
the elections
here in the states.
now that sleepy joe
is stepping down,
they're scrambling,
mystified and wondering
what to do
if the orange man
he's bonkers, Nikita,
the dude is dodging
like a character
out of a clint Eastwood movie.
but what about the cackling
Demitri asks.
she's a nut.
i can't understand
a word she says,
reminds me of that woman
we put in
the gulag last year
for her high-pitched
she may be a witch.
ever see the way her eyes
roll up
into her head
when she starts talking
in circles
about unburdening
the past.
jiminy crickets.
i'm more scared of her than
any of them.
maybe we should put the missiles
on red alert.

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