Tuesday, June 27, 2023

the store bought cake

there's the day
the coat and tie,
the cubicle, the coffee,
the chit chat around
the water cooler.
the mundane work,
more coal
from the mountain.
you shovel ahead,
then lunch,
a store bought cake
for a birthday. the signed
card, the song.
nine to five.
maybe a drink or two,
or three
at happy hour
to gripe and complain
about the boss,
about life,
about the husband,
the wife,
then the drive home.
the tie,
stopping on the way
for food
through a drive-thru.
home at last to walk
the dog, collect
the mail,
sit in front of the tv
for a few hours,
with a drink and bag
of pretzels, the remote held
tightly in
your hand, the cell phone
in the other,
then to bed. to bed.
tomorrow is an early

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