Wednesday, June 21, 2023

a quick glimpse of hell

for a million
you can get into a plastic
and go to the center
of the earth.
they lower you on wires,
into a hole made
by a Chinese drill.
the tube is the size
of a phone booth, but
six people on
top of each other
can fit in, if everyone is
naked and greased down
with vegetable oil.
there's a bottle
of water to share,
to be passed around.
taking turns breathing
is a good idea.
the ride takes about
a day
and lowers you
to the core of the planet,
bypassing molten lava
and spumes
of steam.
when you get there,
put your goggles on
and take a quick glimpse
of hell.
don't touch the glass.
then back up you go
to check the ride
off your bucket list.

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