Thursday, February 16, 2023

end of life insurance

at least ten times
a day
someone calls me to ask
if i'd like
end of life insurance.
i look out the window
to see if anyone is in the trees,
spying on me.
how do they know these things?
but they are very nice,
maybe Indian,
or from Pakistan,
in a foreign land.
they verify my age,
my height and weight,
do i smoke,
or have any heart disease,
cancer or any disabilities.
what medications do i take.
do i live in a nursing home,
do i make my
own decisions about
health, etc.
do i have a beneficiary,
and finally, at last,
do i have a valid credit
card, or a checking
account number
and do i want to be
cremated or buried,
to which i reply,
half and half, which is when
they hang up.

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