Saturday, August 13, 2022

skipping school in the 7th grade

we'd skip
school and take the dc transit
into town.

dropping us off at
the National Archives building.
we'd spend the day

the arcades
the museums.

taking the small subway
from the Supreme Court
to the Senate,

where we'd eat bean soup
in the cafeteria.
ragamuffins we were

getting a peek inside the
Blue Mirror
at the dancers

when the door swung open
there was five dollars between us,
but we ate well.

and had our fill of pin ball
cold cokes at the counter

of Woolworth's.
sometimes we'd take in a new
James Bond movie

at Lowe's Palace,
where the uniformed usher
would tell us

to keep the noise down
and to get our shoes off
the seats.

by three in the afternoon,
we were tired
and took the bus home,

where our parents would
ask us how school was that day.
and we'd say great.

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