Monday, August 22, 2022

a night at the drive-in

i think i'm still recovering
the drive-in food i ate as a teenager.
i haven't yet
the loaf sized shrimp rolls
with sweet sauce,
or the floppy, soggy hamburgers,
or grease laden fries.
the gallons of coke are still inside
my arteries, clinging on
like sticky mud.
the dawn to dusk marathon
was the worst.
the worst five hours
of your life.
especially if you were on
a date, there was only so
much kissing and groping
one could do, before
exhaustion set in and a red
rash appeared on both
your faces.
whoever invented the four snap
bra should be shot.
you needed a degree in mechanical
engineering to figure it out.
the movies weren't much
to watch either.
B films with Peter 
Fonda, and Burt Reynolds.
Maybe Dean Martin
with Raquel Welch.
occasionally there'd be a
Swedish film with subtitles,
women in bikinis playing
badminton, by then though
you were half asleep,
with the lame garbled speaker 
out the window.

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