Saturday, July 31, 2021

biscuit in the oven

i remember the time
when a girlfriend
told me that she had a biscuit
baking in the oven,
of my doing.
i went pale, i had to sit
what? i said, how is
this possibly.
aren't you on the pill.
we've been so careful.
we charted the moon,
the tides.
i imagined my life
being over as another
life began.
did i even love this person,
would we get married.
did we have enough
money, where would we
live. images of strollers,
car seats,
bottles and diapers
shot through my head.
the endless soccer games,
the crying, 
whooping cough, measles. 
i began to tremble when
she finally came over 
and said, it's okay.
April Fools.
we broke up the next day.

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