Wednesday, July 21, 2021

a month later

it's an endless touch up list
as she walks around her house
with her LED
flashlight and her three page list.
i know i saw a spot somewhere on this wall.
i measured it with my tape measure,
i know exactly where it was, 
but i can't find it now.
can you just brush and paint the whole
wall over? won't take you long,
you're fast.
do you have a ladder with you?
i think there's a spot up there, by
the chandelier. 
my sister saw it the other day when
we were drinking wine.
it might have been a bug, or a
piece of dust, but when you bring
in your thirty foot ladder, you can
take a closer look. thanks, you're
a doll. after that we can walk through
all the rooms on the third floor,
again. i feel like there's more.

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