Monday, December 16, 2019

false beliefs

the new age
is everywhere. think positive,
the universe has your back.
the law of attraction,
ask and you'll receive,
the secret.
the mumbo jumbo of eckharte tolle
and other scribes.
you want a car, think it,
you want love,
think it.
money, a horse, a fur coat,
or diamond,
unclog your sink?
what's your vibration?
good lord.
just think it, write it down
and voila, poof,
it appears
out of nowhere.
they've watered down
the bible and Christ into
a thin
tasteless soup.
the crazy course in miracles
transcribed by
automatic writing.
straightening out all of
Jesus's mistakes.
the cult
of false belief
that you are God.
ah, how hard the devil
with his tarot cards
and Ouija boards, crystals,
and astrology. mixing
in half truths, magical
thinking, make believe.
the new age
junk is everywhere, a
deviish wolf disguised
as a sheep.

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