Friday, December 27, 2019

will there be jello?

I get ten pounds of medical
information in the mail.

the mailman was bent over
with the package
and through it on the porch.

i begin to sort through it.
I sigh. I read.

the print is so small.

I thought I was done with this.
it was all signed and confirmed
last year.

plan b, plan d. plan A.

with prescriptions,

eye care and dental? maybe.
what about co pay.

what about primary visits.
specialist visits?

MRI's and x-rays. flu shots
and tetanus.

what about the colonoscopy,
god help me.

how much are my premiums?
will I keep my doctor, whoever
she is this year.

what's my yearly limit.
cost per room for an overnight

will there be jello?

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