Sunday, December 29, 2019

the in laws are coming

I tell my friend how envious
I am of him, how wonderful
it is
that he's found love. that's
he's found
his soul mate for life.

and secure in his new house.
the yard, the fence. the wreathe
on the door.

the sign that reads home sweet home.

the in-laws arriving for the weekend.

he looks at me and pulls out
a sheet of paper
and says here,

here's the weekend list
of chores I need
to do.

at 7 a.m.

walk the dog.
rake the leaves.
shovel the snow.

the driveway needs salt,
the gutters need
to be cleaned.

the tires need air.

lunch at noon. shopping.

then there's painting to be done.
furniture to be moved.
sheets to be changed.

a light to be hung.
then we'll check the dog
for fleas.

then dinner. tv.

then sleep.

but you love her, don't you,
I ask,
as he puts the list away.

of course I do. he says.
of course. it's the life I've
been waiting for.

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