Wednesday, December 25, 2019

two cups of chicken broth

I have no chicken broth
for the stuffing.

I have no celery either, but
who gives a damn
about celery.

in a panic I look up a substitute
for chicken broth, then
wonder if the grocery store
is still open.

probably. It seems that selling
stuff is more
important than celebrating
the birthday of Jesus,
savior of the world.


maybe 7-11 carries chicken broth.
they have every thing under
the sun now.

what is chicken
broth? I wonder.

I have a whole chicken.
can I make some?
can I squeeze a chicken's
thigh, or breast and get some?

(don't go there)

it's a dilemma.

I search the cupboard and come
across a box
of vegetable broth left over
a previous wife.

I look at the expiration date.
looks good.

I take a chance.

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