Friday, December 29, 2023

youtube, the new wizard of oz

he tells me that his
has dropped out of Harvard.
he says,
why go
to school
when there's YouTube on
his phone.
ask me a question,
ask me
anything, the son told him,
and i'll give you the answer
in three seconds.
why fill up my brain with
useless information,
when its right there
for the asking.
i guess he has a point.
the family
is buying
a new house, a new boat,
and taking
longer vacations now
with no
more tuition.
YouTube is sending him
a certificate,
giving him an honorary
for googling.

1 comment:

Di said...

we go to college to major in Gender Studies.
Wow. Can you imagine that major? Sadly that will probably cost you about 70,000 a year