Saturday, May 18, 2024

boxing lessons for pedestrians in NYC

it's a thing now
in the city
of Gotham,
to be walking down the street
and have
walk up
and punch you in the face.
a simple
act of violence
for no reason.
makes no difference
if you're a man or a woman,
or if your
minding your own
going to work,
to church,
just taking a walk in the park,
you may be punched at
any given moment.
i remember when
pigeons or wild taxi
drivers were
the main
problems in the city, or
in Times Square.
but now the sucker punch
is also
on the list.
it's best to
keep your head on a swivel,
duck and move,
side to side. jab, jab,
stay light on your feet.
make use of the rope a dope
strategy, ala Ali
in the rumble in the jungle.

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