Sunday, May 19, 2024

the handy man

there was always
a guy
in the neighborhood,
a husband
or brother, an uncle
that could fix anything.
a handsome,
charming fellow
who was crafty and smart.
ours was Joe.
he'd come over with
his tool bag
while the husbands
were at work.
he'd fix the washer, the dryer,
take a look at the furnace,
he'd figure out
your lights were flickering.
toilet running,
no problem,
he'd be on the kitchen
with his head
under the sink
turning a wrench with his
muscular forearms
while the lady of the house
made him
coffee and muffins.
tv on the fritz, joe
had that too.
squeaky headboard
against the bedroom wall,
Joe could tighten
things up for you.
ten years later there were
a lot of children
in the neighborhood
that looked
exactly like Joe.

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