Thursday, August 24, 2023

the final divorce party

i hire a photographer
for the party,
my third and final divorce party.
i want to do it right
this time.
not just a keg of beer and
bratwurst on the grill
like the last time.
i get a caterer,
and a mixologist to handle
the open bar.
tuxedos and party dresses.
there's a small three piece
combo with Michael Buble.
i have the Watergate
Bakery whip me up a three
layer chocolate cake
with a little bobble head
of me on the top, just
me, smiling.
everyone gets a well
wrapped gift, which is a book
called Psychopath Free
by Jackson Mackenzie.
and another book, called,
The Body Keeps Score.
 a wonderful companion
to the first book. there's
filet mignon, prime rib,
and t-bone steaks,
small potatoes and string
beans on the menu.
no lettuce or fish. 
no kale or spinach,
no soybeans or tofu.
we're done with that now.

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