Sunday, August 27, 2023

get a job, any job

there will always be the low
rung of work.
the low pay,
the long hours,
the hard
it's always been this way.
the bad boss.
the sweat and toil
in the sun,
in the ditches, tarring
the road,
tacking shingles on a roof
in mid-summer.
the grass
needs mowed,
the harvest has to come
start there.
chopping wood,
driving a taxi.
show up on time and be
that the job
is there tomorrow,
and then tomorrow
and the next day.
you have to quit whining
that the world owes you
east west south or north
of Richmond.
the world owes you nothing.
get out of bed
and start somewhere.
it beats standing
on a corner
begging for pay.

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