Monday, February 13, 2023

the iron clad pre-nup

i tell everyone,
grabbing them by the arm,
don't get married.
don't do it.
because no one ever said it to me.
no one.
not a parent,
a friend,
an acquaintance.
no uncles
pulling me aside.
no one warned me
that i'd lose
the house, half of my
and earnings, etc.
despite the fact that none
of it was my
when it came to the inevitable
my dog didn't even
bark at me
in distress as i put
on the new suit
and shined my shoes.
a boutonniere
in my lapel.
so now, i'm the town crier.
i'm on the street
i'm in front of the Bridal
i'm at the bachelor
coming out of the cake,
standing on the bar,
screaming, stop
the madness, don't do it.
don't make a business
based on an emotion,
don't make 
this irrevocable mistake.
and if you can't
turn back because the invitations
are in the mail.
have an iron clad
a free pass
to get yourself out of jail.

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