Monday, April 25, 2022

making change from the church basket

at church, when the basket
comes around,
the second
i already put a five
in earlier,
and now
i only have a fifty,
which i need
the change for lunch
and parking
later when i meet Betty
for brunch and mimosas.
so when the basket
comes to me,
i make change.
leaving a ten, but taking
out two twenties.
this stops
everything. there's gasping.
a woman
beside me faints
and hits her head on the pew.
the priest
comes marching down
the aisle in his
gold trimmed gown
and asks
me what i'm doing.
making change i tell him.
i'm meeting Betty later
and i need
forty bucks. i put ten
in and five in earlier.
a crowd
gathers. an altar boy
a handful of communion
wafers at me,
striking me in the brow.
someone says stone him,
says cast him out.
okay, okay, i say, and put
the fifty back in.
jimminy crickets.
i guess i won't be going
back there
for awhile.

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